Thursday, April 21, 2011

Stanford and OLSAT Scores

Here is a link to some information to help you interpret your child's Stanford and OLSAT scores. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Chance of A Lifetime

One in a lifetime, you get the chance as a professional to fulfill a dream that will drastically impact the way you teach. My entire career, I have been a huge fan of the author Debbie Miller (Reading With Meaning; Teaching With Intention), and her books have molded the instruction that I give in my classroom. Today, as I sit writing this, I am not at my usual place in the room but rather in a meeting with other excited educators waiting to listen to this wonderful woman share her thoughts. I will miss my kiddos greatly today, but I can't wait to share what I have learned! Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Selecting Our Animals

We have been talking in great detail about animal classifications, habitats, and Ohio's environments. Today, there was true excitement in the air as the class was able to pick their animals for the research projects. They cannot wait to get started!

**If you are having difficulty reading the list, double-click on it and it should open it up into a larger view.**

Monday, April 11, 2011

Building Our Garden

Today, as our study of Ohio plants and animals continues, we planted our own little garden to talk about the plant life cycle. We planted sugar snap peas (which the seeds are actually the peas- the kids were fascinated with that). They each made their own label, and found their own spot. We talked about the basic needs of plants, and how we were going to provide these needs. Then, we made predictions about which day we thought we would start to see some sprouting. It was an exciting morning here in 2nd grade!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Nonfiction Writing

Today we started our nonfiction writing unit. We had such a good time! We began by looking at a book that answered such questions as what is earwax made of, how many hairs are on my head, how high until my balloon pops, and my personal favorite if a deaf person speaks in sign and reads lips, do they think in sign too?

We then sat down and created a list of things we thought we were an expert in (what we had to teach others), and things we could learn more about. It was amazing how similar some of our lists looked. There were also a lot of people who's expert lists matched some "want to know" lists. It was a great experience!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Famous Person Projects

They did such an amazing job! I am so proud of them!